La Poule Noire is a cooperative based in Angoulême, Lyon and Paris in France. We are making narratives games with humour and comedy in it.
We released Edgar - Bokbok in Boulzac and To Hell With The Ugly and working currently on several projects.
We are also working for other studios and try to help when we can. If you are interested to working with us, you can check our Portfolio.
Bok !
N.B: this website is 100% inspired by our friends at Seed By Seed!
UsTwo Games and Plug In Digital - PC / SWITCH
Dear Villagers - PS5 / XBOX SERIES / SWITCH
The Pixel Hunt, Iko and Arte France - SWITCH
Swing Swing Submarine and Arte France - PC / CONSOLES (TBA)
Seed By Seed and Handy Games - SWITCH
Louis Rigaud and Goblinz Publishing - iOS / Android
Bulwark and Kasedo Games - SWITCH
Hot Chili Games and Plug in Digital - SWITCH
Exbleative and Futures Friends Games - CODE CONSULTING
RAM RAM GAMES, Business Goose and Arte France - CODE CONSULTING
First of all, we do not offer internships or jobs. We are a small cooperative working remotly who don't have time and resources to supervises interns. At La Poule Noire we think that interns need the best to start in the industry.
About jobs, we are already enough to make our projects, we like to be a very few but if someday that change, a job offer will pop everywhere!
Okay now if you still want to contact us about our games, for business inquiries, press or anything else please click on the button below.
Contact Us